Most people who have their own websites are a little more technically savvy than others so it's not unusual that some might contemplate hosting their sites on their own personal computers from their home or office.

Fastest Web Hosts - January, 2022
Jan. 20, 2022, New York – In the January 2022 web host speed tests, we tested the Top 6 Web Hosts and LazyLizard has come out on top.

How to Migrate WordPress Sites
to a New Server
Whether you need to move your WordPress website to a new hosting company, a new server within the same hosting company or just to a new domain name or folder on the same server, you can’t do it by hand. Well, you could, but you wouldn’t want to.

Tips & Tricks Videos for: Web Hosting & WordPress

Fastest Web Hosts November, 2019
Nov. 3, 2019, New York – In the November web host speed tests, LazyLizard has once again come out on top.

Access Everything with Just One Sign-In
NEW YORK, NY (September 11, 2019) LazyLizard has implemented a new single-sign-on system where clients can login to their accounts and access all their cPanel features.

LazyLizard Beats
Top 5 Hosts
in Speed Tests
Sept. 5, 2019, New York - In speed tests conducted by third-party GTMetrix.com, LazyLizard has come out way ahead of five of the largest web hosting companies in the world.
How to Fix WordPress Maintenance Mode Error
Sometimes, every once in a blue moon, when your WordPress site goes into Maintenance Mode, it may not come out of it as it should. I'll show you in this video what to do if that happens and how to easily clear it.
How 1-Click Script Installers Can Hurt Server Security
What is a One-click Script Installer?
A 1-click script installer is itself a script that installs other software on web servers. Most hosts offer these script installers because it helps people who are new website administrators get started faster and easier. For instance, if they want to run a WordPress site, they don't have to spend a half hour learning how to get their hosting account setup and ready to run WordPress. They just click a button and it's installed instantly and automatically.